The Congruency Corner
The Congruency Corner with Chandra is a podcast about finding congruency and alignment within. A podcast that is built on a passion and a mission, addressing and fostering individual healing in creating a ripple effect for future generations. Intended to implement this in society by integrating congruency based emotional wellness practices into education, parenting, and community programs. While also empowering schools to implement the alignment of strategies, empowering parents with the tools to model congruency at home, and communities to foster spaces for open dialogue and holistic wellness. Join me in thought provoking discussion along the way as we shift the paradigm of mental and emotional wellness for the betterment of our children of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
The Congruency Corner
The Exceptionally Empathic Child
Tune in as I discuss the Empathic Child -
What does this look like from a behavior perspective?
What does this have to do with emotional / mental wellness?
What is the correlation between the Empathic Child and the child with Anxiety, depressive symptoms, substance use as a teen, and children who may have some Autism - Sensory / Social / Emotional Regulation traits.
Can apply to males and females
Does this fall under a diagnosis, disorder, something that needs to be fixed, or is it a gift that can be nurtured, shaped, and evolve?